Feeling Myself

This is just a post to appreciate myself. 
Today, I looked in the mirror and I was happy. In this photo I feel beautiful. 
I don't feel fat, I don't feel sad, I don't feel fake. 
I just feel like me. 

It is March 22, 2016 and I feel good.
I'm sure the longer I look at the photo the more I'll hate it, 
but right now at 6:05 pm, 5 hours after this was taken, I still like it. 
My eyebrows might look a little crazy, but I don't hate my smile, I don't hate my eyes, I don't think my nose is too big for my face. I don't feel like a troll. 

Love who you are and what you look like. 
It can change your entire mood and how you interact with other people.
