Voices in My Head

I wrote this two years ago for a section on bullying in my British Literature class in high school...

You’re all alone, all you have is you.
You’re stuck with only the thoughts in your head
You are told every single unbearable day that
You “don’t belong”, “that you’re fat”,
and the worst of all, “kill yourself”.
Soon enough you’ll to start to believe their words.
You’ve become numb, your daily routine
getting pushed into lockers, your books knocked out of your hands
At lunch time you hide. At the end of the day you run.
Everyday you pray for “No School” or somehow everyone in school would be absent,
You start to contemplate running away or even dying
because you’ve convinced yourself nobody would notice anyway.
You can’t wait for the moment you walk into your house,
it’s the one place you feel loved, the one place you belong.
You dread the moment you need to leave for school.
You constantly wonder what is wrong with you and why nobody likes you.
If only you could just stand up and say “I am a human being, too and you will not crush me!”
But realistically you don’t believe that yourself.
Every day you die more and more, inside and out,
you hope that one day you’ll waste away and never have to see their faces again,
So you can finally feel safe and content;
That’s the only thing you’ve ever wanted, besides to be loved.
Going to sleep isn’t even an escape because their voices taunt you all night long,
it’s impossible to escape the awful, degrading words of all the people who are
“superior” to you, better than you.
Everyone bullies you so you must be a freak,
do I kill myself, finally escape, and let them win?
Or let them torture me, and ruin my life?

This is what is has come to. Those are the thoughts you are left with.