Favorite Apps for College
Note Taking: One Note
This is by far my favorite. This app is smooth and connects straight to my laptop so I can sit at my desk or type in class, or I can have my notes and lists on the go. I made a free Outlook account and that's what this is connected to, but I am pretty sure you can connect your school email for free, as well.
To-Do Lists: Wunderlist
I like this because there aren't any advertisements and it is simple and easy to use. I can add Due Dates and Reminders. I can also add subcategories, like in my Soc242 class I have 5 discussions to do this week. This app really helps me stay organized because I can separate my grocery lists from my school lists.
Studying: StudyBlue
I have been using this app since high school, there is a website and an app. The flashcards look good. You can look up other people's decks and take quizzes and see which ones you're getting wrong most of the time.
**If you're taking math or science the Kahn Academy app is really great too.
Storage: Google Drive
This is my app of choice for storing my papers and spreadsheets, any school work because my school uses google for our emails and I find that this just makes it so much easier for printing and sharing materials. I don't need to bring my laptop to print things. Like I said everyone at my school has gmail so it's the easiest way to share. Google is organized and all of their apps looks sleek. You can add folders, too.
Online Books: Kindle
Everyone loves Amazon and loves getting their books from Amazon. But there are some college books on Amazon that you can buy for the Kindle. Whether their textbooks or just other required readings. Kindle has a desktop app, too.
Groceries: Stop & Shop
I'm sure Stop & Shop isn't the cheapest grocery store but they have an awesome app, and if you have the Stop & Shop card (which is free!) then you get tons of great savings. Their app shows you all the coupons they have, has an electronic version of their circular. You even get gas saving points! Which is super awesome for any person who has a car. They even have your Stop & Shop card on the app so you don't need to carry it around, and they can look it up by your phone number. Online, you can even make a grocery list and email it or print it, too.
Choosing Classes: Rate My Professor
This website and app is crucial when trying to choose easy classes. When trying to find an elective or a gen ed that is an easy A to help with your GPA this is the place to go. Students post their reviews on the teachers they've had in the past and tell you whether there were a lot of tests, if the teacher was a difficult grader, if the class was boring, or homework heavy.
Below is one of my favorite psychology teachers, his classes are extremely interesting but require attendance, a lot of studying and reading.
Other: Duolingo
So I am really interested in languages but have too much anxiety to take an actual language class. I found that when you're bored Duolingo is a great way to spend your time learning a new language in the least intimidating way possible. There are tons of different languages on the app, so you can choose whichever one you want. You can get points for going on everyday and download bonus lessons like Flirting or idioms.
Other: Uber
This is extremely important when you're in college. Whether you're going to a party or coming back, trying to get to a friend's house that a bus doesn't go to. When it's freezing out and you decided to wear a skirt or dress out to a party. This app is crucial whether you have a car or not.
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